Growing Together
The Baraga County Chamber of Commerce promotes the general welfare and prosperity of the business community and all of the citizens who have made Baraga County, Michigan their home. We’re committed to promoting the vital interests of our stakeholders, with a special emphasis on the economic, commercial, civic, cultural, industrial and educational areas that matter most.
In 2022, our brand evolved to become Keweenaw Bay and Beyond as a means to better reflect the experience we deliver every day. Keweenaw Bay not only serves as a geographic reference point within our state, but also a state of mind. One that reminds us of the important role the Great Outdoors plays in everyday life here. Counties are defined by invisible borders, but Keweenaw Bay and Beyond is defined by the unlimited opportunities that await those who venture here. It’s a place where bright sunrises set the stage for even brighter futures. Where success is measured by one’s growth, personal happiness and prosperity. So come to Keweenaw Bay and Beyond and get ready to experience the extraordinary.
Our Mission
Grow, enhance, and support a vibrant business climate through
leadership, professional development and community involvement.

our membership



Indian Country Sports
In The News

Chamber welcomes new Board Members (Copy)

Announcing the L’Anse Area Community Development Corporation

Scholarship Applications now available

What’s happening
Check out our calendar of events

Chamber Information
Join the chamber
As a business we know you work hard, and networking is vital to your income. The Baraga County Chamber of Commerce would like to offer you a way to increase contacts and grow your business. Becoming a member not only give you discounts on insurance, radio advertising and marketing solutions, it also gives you free and discounted business training, referrals, and networking opportunities.
If you or your business or organization have an interest in promoting the welfare of Baraga County, please consider becoming a member of the Chamber of Commerce, call 906-353-8808 or download the membership form below.
Workers’ Compensation Discount Through AccidentFund
Baraga County Chamber Member and Eagle Radio Advertising Match Offer
Membership Benefits
Membership with the Baraga County Chamber of Commerce allows local business owners, government officials and citizens to share in open discourse about how to better our community as a whole.
Our membership runs from July 1st to June 30th. We also enhanced the benefits of being a member to include
- Different membership packages
- Marketing service options
- Notary Services
- Access to our meeting space
- Monthly newsletters
- Discounts on insurance
- … and much more
The most rewarding benefit of all is providing our community with the support it needs to become a vibrant Climate for businesses with a sustainable economy, as well as a place where people want to live and play.
Check out the BCCC Membership Benefits for a complete list of benefits and pricing.
Eagle Radio offers an advertising match for Chamber members. Baraga County Chamber Member Match Offer
Workers’ Compensation through Accident Fund assistance is available to Chamber members.
Small Business Association of Michigan offers numerous benefits to our members
Join today! Membership Form
Events & Opportunities
2025 Chamber Sponsored Events Schedule
The Chamber of Commerce offers a wide range of community events, professional development and leadership opportunities in Baraga County.
For questions on our sponsored events – see schedule above, check us out on Facebook or Instagram or contact our office.
Sponsorship Opportunities
The support from our sponsors enables the Chamber to continue our mission which is to grow, enhance, and support a vibrant business climate through leadership, professional development, and community involvement. Please review the following brochure and join our efforts with your sponsorship commitment.
We appreciate your consideration and extend our gratitude to all those who have
sponsored past Chamber events.
Donation Policy
All donation requests made to the Chamber of Commerce will be presented in writing at least one week in advance of a Board meeting. A form will be provided for the request which will require a description of the event’s benefits to the community. Recognition of the Chamber’s contributions will be asked of all organizations who receive a donation.
Requests will be sent first to the Budget Committee to provide an analysis of spending history. An ad-hoc donation committee will review requests after receiving the Budget Committee report, and then provide a recommendation to the Board.
Timeline: Donation policy will be sent out to all previous recipients of money in January with a submission deadline of February 10th. Recommendations will be made to the Board, after committee reviews for action at the March meeting. Submissions may be made up until October 15th, if there is money remaining in the budget line item. After the November Board meeting, any balance remaining in the donation budget line item will be shifted to Board Challenge.
In order to receive the financial support of the Chamber of Commerce, the donation request must be for an event or signage related to an event or activity that brings people to the community. Assistance may also be requested for events that foster business growth or support existing businesses.
All requests must fit within the established budget for the year.
The Chamber will only provide donations, after meeting the above guidelines to members of the Chamber of Commerce or their affiliates.
Book Our Meeting Space
Part of your chamber membership includes use of the Meeting Room. To book the space, email
our Office Manager at or call the Chamber office at
(906) 353-8808 to have your meeting space reserved.
Member usage – free of charge
Includes use of AV equipment – projector, speaker & screen
Chamber Committees
Executive Committee – acts on behalf of Chamber Board – meets last Thursday of the month @ 4:40pm
Budget/Audit Committee – maintains fiscal responsibility for organization – meets September & October
PLAN Committee (Projects, Logistics, Action, Network) – plans, coordinates & facilitates the organization’s fundraising events including advertising. Creates, collects, disseminates & archives information important to the organization and its members. Deals with operational functions from a strategic level. Plans and coordinates Member Benefit services and events. PLAN Committee – meets 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 10am, Chamber Office
Membership Committee – pertains to membership recruitment & investment increases – meets April/May & Aug/Sept
Next Gen Committee – plans, coordinates & facilitates Baraga Co events with an emphasis on interests of the upcoming generation – meets 2nd Monday of the month @ 5:00pm
Housing Taskforce Committee – partnering with the EDC, searches for solutions to the housing issues in the county – meets as needed
Scholarship Committee – responsible for soliciting scholarship applications from L’Anse High School and Baraga High School graduating seniors, reviewing applications, selecting recipients, and communicating with the school support staff. They will set and maintain guidelines and criteria. The committee will work with the Event Committee and the Board of Directors to fund the Chamber scholarships. Scholarship Committee meets in February, March, and April or as determined by the committee.
Baraga County Branding Project – a community collaboration with the County, and EDC to brand and promote Baraga County. Meetings to be determined by need.
2025 Board Meetings
Chamber has regular Board meetings on the second Wednesday of every month at 8:45 am in the Chamber Conference Room. Meetings are open to all.